Yes, true it feels like the idea of combining alcohol with the throwing of dangerous objects would be a non-starter for some, but as we were to learn, and build, it’s all much safer than we had imagined. It was an interesting project because of the unique nature of it [Throwing Courts] set against programs that we knew well. [Building Bars and Kitchens and Commercial Bathrooms] so it was one of those projects that was engaging and challenging simultaneously. And for the cherry on the sundae, one of our own employees, a budding artist, was tapped by the owners to produce the key murals for the space. As a side note, it was fun to use heavy lumber and chain links in ways we had not considered previously.

View our client’s website here.

Architect Kushner Studios

Contract Price $410,000

Sporting venue & brewery, Ax throwing courts, kitchen, bathoroom, bar area, storage space.

 Commercial Renovation

Brooklyn, New York