This holistic health center rises from the virtual ashes of a wholesale Asian food distributor who had roots in the community for over 30 years. A new, bright, community-centered, and socially relevant venture was matched by an equally progressive architectural statement. Heavy raw wood and rough naturalistic textures (live moss reception counters) are placed against open and inviting glazing. Indeed, where once there was forbidding rusted roll-down gates and rancid soybean oil there is now soothing ambient music and an open invitation to the community to provide badly needed health and wellness services.

Architect Kushner Studios

Contract Price $920,000

Program 5.800 Sf
11 Exam rooms, reception, waiting area, bathrooms, physician’s bullpen, class/lecture spaces, doctor’s offices, and celler teaching space.

Gut – Commercial Renovation

Lower East Side, New York City

March 2014